Trough sink of 03W type
- Tap with a photo-eye sensor
- Solenoid valve,
- Automatic mixer “hot-cold water”,
- Ø 50 water seal trap,
- Flex risers,
- Transfomner (12 or 24 V),
- Pre-plumbed panel.
Water outflow is launched alter hands are put to the sink chamber and lasts until hands are beyond the range of photo-eye sensor operation. Water outflow closure takes place 1-2 seconds alter hands are moved back In case some object was left in the chamber (e.g. a towel) the outflow would be closed after1 minute —there is no risk of flooding the room.
Sink of 01W type
- Tap with a photo-eye sensor
- Solenoid valve,
- Automatic mixer “hot-cold water”,
- Ø 50 water seal trap,
- Flex risers,
- Transfomner (12 or 24 V),
- Pre-plumbed panel.
Water outflow is launched after hands are put to the sink chamber and lasts until hands are beyond the range of photo-eye sensor operation. Water outflow closure takes place 1-2 seconds after hands are moved back In case some object was left in the chamber (e.g. a towel) the outflow would be closed after1 minute ethere is no risk of flooding the room.
Sink of 01K type
- Tap with a photo-eye sensor
- Solenoid valve,
- Automatic mixer “hot-cold water”,
- Ø 50 water seal trap,
- Flex risers,
- Transfomner (12 or 24 V),
- Pre-plumbed panel.
Water outflow is launched after hands are put to the sink chamber and lasts until hands are beyond the range of photo-eye sensor operation. Water outflow closure takes place 1-2 seconds after hands are moved back. In case some object was left in the chamber (e.g. a towel) the outflow would be closed after1 minute-there is no risk of flooding the room.
Cleanliness panel
Similady to other sinks, the cleanliness panel is launched by a photo-eye sensor that can be fed with 24V voltage (a transformer processes 230 V) or with 9\/ battery.
The standard equipment consists of:
- Two dispensers for soap or cleaning-disinfecting liquid (capacity1 dcm3),
- Towel dispenser,
- Basket for used towels (capacity 2O dcm3),
- Complete electric and hydraulic connection (flex risers, water seal traps),
- Elements for hanging on the wall (pre-plumbed panel, bolts and camping screws),
- There is a possibility of ST4M stenlizer connection to the panel.